Monday, November 29, 2010

This is the CFK special takes the place for blog post 14

Yasmine my name is Phillip and I too have an allergy, but mine is to peanuts.  Mine just started about a year ago and boy does it bite.  I would eat peanuts all the time and I loved them very much.  Now I have to be very careful about what I eat, and I too must read labels when I go grocery shopping.  I know how you feel and it is not very fun not being able to enjoy the foods that you love.  I too wish that more people would quit using sugar substitutes and instead try using sugar or even better do without. I totally agree with you and applaud you for wanting to write the first lady of our United States.  You are a very intelligent young lady and I wish you the best in your life.  Just encase you need it the address for the White House is:

The President of the United states
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

I'm a student at the University of South Alabama in EDM310.  If you want to comment back my blog post is
Thank you and have fun learning.  :-)

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