Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog Post number 12

This blog post will be due on the 1st of December 2010. 

On this post the class will post a blog concerning the current use of technology and how it impacts our children's educational process.  Also give two examples of how technology could be used in schools.  Write at least two paragraphs and NOT four sentences for this post.

The technology being used by our schools right now is good, but it could be better.  The reason for this is, that we do not have enough technology to fully immerse our children into it right now.  Schools must also get the funding so they can get more computers for classes and also begin to get more ITouches and begin to use these as portable encyclopedias.  Children today learn more with technology than with the old fashion paper and pencil.  Children our more versed and comfortable with technology than ever before and it is also a very important social factor in growing up.  In this I mean they have Twitter, Face Book, and My Space just to name a few.  Children in today's schools learn from the Smart Boards that are in our classrooms, but even these fail to include the most basic function of schooling which is involvement.  The children look at the board, but there is very very little interaction from the students.  Also the state mandated curriculum makes it very difficult, but not impossible for teachers to let students sprout off on their own and apply what is being taught in class to real world issues.

Our technology also needs to be used to help our children and until we have the computers, programs, and accessories to compliment what is being taught in the classroom our children's education will only suffer.  The internet is a wealth of information for students to use and also we have the ability to interconnect with people we never dreamed of with the use of blogging.  This will only help our children in their education, so why do the state education systems not embrace technology?  There are some people who would say the internet is bad and only good for nothing.  Too these individuals I say YOU are wrong and here is some reasons to support my theory.  We as educators watch what our children do each and every day.  Being a teacher is a full time job and one that is not to be taken lightly.  Also technology has the ability to be controlled, so only specific sites and data can be seen.   Two the information from blogging and the internet will only reinforce what is being taught in the classroom.  And finally if we let the children have a more active role in the use of technology instead of a passive role they would learn much better and keep higher grades in the long run.


  1. So now you know what to do when you get your class!

  2. Hi Phil
    I agree with your comments that more technology needs to be used in education. You touched on a topic that I feel very strongly about and that is that educators must be trained to use the technology appropriately. Technology should not be a crutch for teachers. It should be used to reinforce the subjects being taught, and it is definitely not a substitue for a good educator.
