Saturday, October 30, 2010

Summary Post CFT #3

The first post I done was a video that Dragonsinger had posted from Prof. Stephen Heppell. In this video he covered subjects such as Email is now for our parents, the benefits of the super class in schools, and diversify curriculum for our students. This was a very interesting if not long video, but was thoroughly enjoyable to watch

This video inspired me to go beyond the call of duty for my students. I will also like to try the super class idea that Prof Stephen had suggested because it would encompasses many children and teachers in one room. This would allow the teachers to see who needs help and then be able to give that help. Also we must begin to use new innovations such as tweeter, blogging sites, and SKYPE. We must also not be scarred to try new and different ideas. Also there are no educational secrets left in today's new technological age world. Examples of these new technologies would be information, music, and ideas and also sites such as Google, and Wikipedia. I just hope that the world accepts the changes sooner and not later.

The second post I did for Dragonsinger was a trip she took to the city of Christchurch. At this point she attended a four day conference which covered many aspects of her teaching field from learning how to use a Prometheus board to the benefits of teacher conferences. she was also able to interact with her PLN friends at this conference and to share ideas among one another. She also came away form this conference with several nice prizes that she will use for the class when she returns home.

I liked the fact that she was able to take away so much from her PLN conference. I can only hope that we as teachers are given the opportunities to interact with and get new ideas from distant educators. This also showed me the importance of the PLN's that Dr. Strange has been telling us about. The most important thing I took away was the fact, that we as educators will never stop learning new things. This more than anything is one of the main reason why I want to teach. The only other thing I want more than anything is to change a child's life "one at a time."

Additional Assignment numb. 3

I think the most important thing Sir Robinson says is the fact that our whole school process and way of thinking must be changed for the good of our children. The way it is now suppresses the child's ability to divergent thinking and doesn't foster the collaboration of group thinking. Also public schools kill the ability for children to think on their own about subjects. Because of this children are therefore pushed to think along the lines of what society wants them to think. The only thing I could think of that will not change any time soon will be the way the schools are run. Mr. Robinson says that our schools are modeled after the Industrial Revolution era and he is right. It will take major time and money to overhaul every school and school district in the nation right now and honestly we just do not have the money. EXP.. (When teachers have to buy their own tests, books, and pencils we have major problems.)

Even for us who are in college the same philosophy still applies...grades, grade levels, and assembly line degrees. College's can say they are different, but they are set up the same way and will also have to change. In my own college experiences it is the same every class I take. EXP. (Lectures, Tests, and Lectures.) This makes it very hard to really explore creativity and other avenues of learning when one is stuck in the same repeating pattern of time. This class of EDM310 is the only class that I have seen that allows us to foster our own ideas, focuses us on creativity, and allows group collaboration to a very big degree of freedom. This is what needs to be done in ALL schools. The question is WHEN will this happen 10 years, 30 years, 100 years, or 500 years. For some reason schools in the United States are the last thing to upgrade and I ask why is that?

I would begin to address the issues that Sir Robinson brings up by spending more money on our children and college students and less on big business, Congress, and Wall Street brokers. Between these three that is Millions of Dollars that could go back into our schools and help begin the necessary upgrades that the schools most desperately need. Only when the schools are liked upon the games systems, computers, and I phones that children in today's world play with, will learning begin for our children. Then there will be hardly any need for medicating our children like we see today. If I was to do a video like Sir Robinson I would love to be the idea generator. This is because I love to think of things that go against the grain. I always think out of the box no matter what PEOPLE tell me to do, and I enjoy every minute of it. This is what our children need to be doing. I think if this was done we would be delighted with the results that we would see.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Post Numb. 10

Don't let them take pencils home.
I loved the sarcastic humor John Spencer uses in this blog. He was basically telling us that kids who take pencils home perform less on test than children who rely on technology like laptops, computers, and IPads. Children today use technology to get, define, and review information and pencils are a thing of the past, which our parents would use. Most parents would not be able to keep their children learning with pencils because the excitement of learning has been dwindled down into the small rubber and lead and this is not congruent for children learning today. Also the vast majority of learning is done on the internet and software programs of today. I also agree with the lower test scores statement and with what the author stated because pencils do not facilitate learning. A computer and the internet will help in today's learning environment. People must also learn to use this new technology and also get away from the days of books, pencils, and paper. Children in today's world have access to vasts amounts of information, and this information is not from a pencil. Parents and schools can still let children take pencils home, but the learning will be almost nonexistent.
Video #3
Two Questions That Can Change Your Life.
This was a very fascinating video, for I have never really thought about my future in the terms of only two questions. This video also has a way of making you sit down and think about the way that one's own life has gone. The good news is that the question "What's my Sentence" has the effect of making us look at our own life and analyze it from a more critical angle than what we normally would have. This can then let us know in what direction our lives need to take, and then we can track ourselves through self reflection. My sentence would be: BY THE TIME I HAVE BEEN TEACHING FOR TEN YEARS I WILL HAVE TOUCH 500 CHILDREN'S LIVES FOR THE BETTER. The last question the video brings up "Was I better today than yesterday." This question would impact all of our lives for the better if people would only stop and think about this each and every night. I bet if people did think about that sentence each and ever day then there would not be as much trouble and sorrow in the world right now. This would then allow all of us to analyze ourselves truthfully and the best part of that is that we cannot run away from our own conscious. These two questions will impact me every day because it will make me think about the deeds that I am doing for my children. Children look up to us as teachers and if I can set a positive example hopefully some of my children will embrace the goodness of life and will try harder in school and in their own life.
Blog and video Number 1
An open letter to educators
This video was very informative and I am glad that Morgan Bayda showed us the movie made by Dan Brown. Dan was right on the mark when he said that "Universities must also learn to expand their educational horizons for their students." I also agree that our educational experiences have failed us in today's world. There have been many days that I have sat in classes falling asleep and wondering isn't there a easier way to get ones education. Thinking on my own education I wonder how long it will actually take our public schools and universities to adapt before they get left behind. The internet is the new university of the twenty-first century and universitie's must learn to both become more student oriented and student active in the internet schooling before they lose the pull they have with students.
Dan was also correct in the fact that the knowledge base is also falling apart and more and more people have access to information today than they did one-hundred years ago. This is not a bad thing, but the best thing ever in the whole of our history as a people. Information is power and in today's world everyone has the opportunity to be powerful in knowledge. Unlike Dan though I feel strongly against people from Dropping out of school. Schools provide the foundation that we need as a people to understand where and how we come about and were we are going from here. People must also learn to incorporate the knowledge they get from schools and Universities with new internet sites like Google, Twitter, You Tube, and Wikipedia. Only then will people begin to understand the whole picture. This makes me think of all the possibilities that I can begin to show my children when I start to teach in a few years. In the end it is up to us as teachers to nurture and support our children's push into this new technological era.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Phillips EDM310 Blog Number 9

Mr. McClung essay was very well done and transmitted feelings of happiness, surprise, and understanding. It was a real pleasure to read and comment on his blog. He was telling us that we must not let ourselves get set in our ways as teachers for something will always come around and ruin our perfect lessons that we have planned. Also we must be friends to our children, for they will depend on us even if we do not think they are paying us any attention right now. It is like I have always said, we will impact children, but it will happen over time and the children will remember us later on in life when they need it the most. Also the most important thing I took away form this was the fact that we as teachers need to be more understanding of the children in our classes and to not get upset at them when they do not exceed our expectations. Communication is the most important tool for teacher and student relationships too. We must learn to put ourselves in our student's shoes. Only then can we begin to understand the way they think and act. Lastly we as teachers must continue to learn about everything around us, for how can we teach our students if we are scared and standoffish from this new technology. As Mr. McClung Stated "We work in a learning environment, so why not soak up as much as you can? We owe it to our students." A teacher who cannot keep up with the times and who doesn't care about their children should not be teaching. I say this only because so many children depend on us every day to help them over their own hurdles. Very well said Mr. McClung our students are why we are here.

We must also learn that technology is a friend and will always be here with us. Being a friend is also the way our students will perceive us. I have a good example. (My second grade teacher would go out of her way to help me and she was always taking the time to make sure everyone in our class knew and understood the subjects before we left her class every day. Even if it meant she had to stay an extra hour or two she did not care and done it with a smile.) This is what I remember about Mrs. Kelly and she displayed all the characteristics that Mr. McClung went over in his blog. She would never get upset and never got irritated even when we did not catch on as quickly as she had hoped. This is what I remember of her today and I will use the good qualities of all my entire past teacher's who have meant something to me. I can only hope that I will be able live up to the high standards of my students. I have also set goals for myself as a teacher that include making long term friendships with my children, and it will fill me with happiness to know I have changed my children's lives for the better down the road.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Phillip's Blog post Number 8 for EDM310

Video one

The Schools of Tomorrow and the technology literate teacher.

This was an amazing video and Dr. Miller is right when he says that our ideas are not just ours alone, but the whole worlds. This is the right way for us to go as a people of this planet. We must learn to embrace this new technology and get our teachers, students, and buildings set up for this wonderful new technology. Dr. Miller stated that we are in the best time of literacy, for we can read information on-line from all parts of the globe. In the past we were tied down to the libraries and books that came with them. Now our paper is the word processing and the keyboard is the new pencil for the people of the Twenty-First Century. This information can be used by billions of people worldwide and not just in on part of the globe.

When we get to our classrooms after graduation we will have the opportunity to use these new technologies for the betterment of our children. The children can show us new ways and ideas about technology while we are giving them the fundamental basics that they need to survive in this new world. Students will learn to combine video, audio, and words to create some beautiful and creative new ways of thinking. When I start teaching I want to immerse myself and my classes in this new way to look up information by giving my children projects were they put together presentations that show how information can be combined and used together.

Dr. Miller states a good point that we have the ability to transmit all ideas to everyone on the planet. This age is all about information and this is the new way of society and our children's education. Right now I am learning this new technology and I will continue to learn it well out of EDM310. This knowledge will not only help me with my teaching ability, but will improve the quality of education that I can offer my students. With the end of each day it is the children with the help of technology that will shape and mold our activities as teachers I believe and not just technology.

Video Number 2

These two student produced videos for EDM310 were done very good. If I was to do a video I would have the students all at one time run up to Dr. Strange and bombard him with questions about what they do not want to do. I would like to create a video that also would focus on the real time emotions of people's reactions and procrastinations of doing work for EDM310. I would have students dressed up in clown suits and playing games on the computers instead of taking their work seriously. I would also like to put students in a space ship flying through space ignoring everything that comes their way. Jamie and the others done a wonderful job on these videos and should be commended for the excellent job they did. The humor in the videos was also very ingenious. I bet Jamie got tired of getting up and down out of that chair while doing that video. :-)

The main points of the videos are to do one's work and do it by the date on the calendar. Also for students to not quit school because it is hard. This is very important to us, for in the real world you cannot miss work because you had to twitter someone or go to Florida to play the lottery. To miss your class and not be there for your children would be catastrophe and could result in you being fired or sued by the children's parents if something happened while you were supposed to be there and you weren't. The video also stated that teachers supposedly do not care for their students, but that is not the case. In my time as a student all my teachers have done a wonderful job of caring and taking time out to help me with my problems. The best thing I liked was the fact that most people have to hit rock bottom before they will pull themselves back up and start over. I know a great many people in my own life that have had to do this and boy it is not very pleasant. As I said earlier the videos were both well done and I loved the sarcastic tone and the, “I will do what I want do” routine that faces most college students today. EDM310 students need not fret about our class for we have Dr. Strange, the EDM310 helpline, and the three students who help us out in the lab of EDM310. We are also learning to use interesting programs like Ever Note, Delicious, Blogger, Google Squared, and You Tube to upload video and music to. In the end this class will empower us in ways we are just now beginning to see and understand.

Video Number 3

The views and opinions are very polarized on the issue of the Smart Boards in the classroom. The two blogs that were given to us really do not see any hard benefits for the Smart Boards besides them being expensive chalkboards and one of those teachers even gave his away. The smart boards need time to be able to influence the classroom, teachers, and students. I do know that from my own observations in Denton Middle School I have noticed that the boards really do not encourage much more talking than what was going on when I was in middle school back in the mid 1990's. The only advantage that I can see is they will let teachers keep massive amounts of information that will have to be erased on a regular chalkboard. Also the students can to an extent use pointers and interact a little more with the Smart Boards than with chalkboards. One of the articles stated that "Smart Boards are a vain way of buying progress." Yes that could be stated, but I look at it as a small step in the right direction. In the years to come information will be going all digital and the Smart Boards is the first step in the race of classroom evolution.

Two articles I found on the internet that talked about the advantages of the Smart Boards are and The main points that the articles stress is the better interaction of students compared to a traditional classroom setting and how more than lessons can be used as supplemental learning for our children. Some of these are videos, pictures, and blogs of information from other people. We must remember that this is new to the class and time will begin to let more options and possibilities for our children's education come around. Whether for good or for bad this is the new way and a way that I will fully embrace once I get my own classroom.

Phillip's timeline project 9b EDM310

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Additional Assignment # 2 for EDM310

This video by Sugata Mitra was a lovely video for me to watch and see just how fast and wonderful children around the world can learn. I do believe that if people want to learn something bad enough they will learn to use and understand it. Children are the best at adapting and figuring out how things operate and function. Yes, children can teach themselves because they have a curious personality about them and they have each others creative ideas that they can pull on for references. First and foremost the individual must have the necessary components to teach themselves or they will not understand what they are doing. For example, one cannot build a plane without first having a schematic of what they plan to build. The computers of today act as our translators and library books that enable people to Google, Ask Jeeves, and translate any word in the world today. The Internet and computers act as wonderful pieces of technology that allow children to explore things in their own language and then put it into an answer that everyone will notice and be able to understand. Children today have a wonderful ability to learn, for that is what we as humans love to do and that is to learn new and interesting things. The desire to learn is a powerful tool for the learning process. Problems give humans a chance to try and figure out which hypothesis will work in solving our problems, also children will easily turn to each other for their opinions and insights, as a result, this will give them a great advantage in problem solving. The best way to motivate someone to learning is to give them a problem and let them figure it out the best that they can. Also let the person take their time so they can fully understand and fix that problem. I learn the best when I have a supportive person who will care about the tries that I make and who will understand that I am human and will make mistakes. The best part about learning is the journey and the finished process for me. Anyone who doesn't want to learn can learn it will take a little extra time from us teachers to properly find what the child will love to do and that will gladly work. I believe that every child wants to learn, however some just need that extra care and time put into them. I love to teach myself different languages because later on when I go to Europe I will be able to speak and understand the general populations better. I do this in the privacy and quietness of my home, so that I may concentrate on what I'm doing. A teacher if he/she is good will excite a child to learning through their actions, words, and time spent with a student. I had a teacher in the sixth grade that always supported me and my chess playing ability and took the time to show me what I was doing wrong and to this day she is one of my most beloved teachers that I remember. This video makes me think and appreciate the effect that only one teacher can have on a multitude of children if they are sincere and love what they do. One question about getting this technology out to these children that I have is were is the money going to come from to implement their education? And why do not more people take the time to respond and see to these children's needs?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Status Report on My PLN EDM310

My PLN is coming together slowly but surely.  I have come to rely on Google, Google Squared for the nice vast amounts of information.  I have also recently gotten on to twitter and have began to explore the vast amounts of people and places that I can tweet for information.  This is all new to me, so I am taking it easy and have already got several people that I have started to converse with.  I also use Ever Note for any note taking that I use on the internet.  You Tube is also a decent place for older video's of World War Two and videos of the educators that Dr. Strange has showed us.  Here are some of the other places I also am Tweeting on Ted Talks, Neil Tyson, and Smart Teachers.  I hope that as my schooling gets more detailed in the years to come I will get more and more intuned with this new technology.  I thank Dr. Strange for these wonder ideas that he gives us students and the support he gives us.

Thanks Phillip

Phillip's EDM 310 Time Line

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Phillip's Blog Post number 7 for EDM310

This was a wonderful video on Randy Pausch.  He covered not only himself, but his feelings on professors, friends, and students.   He believed in the power of ourselves especially when others do not believe in us.  At the time of this video he had roughly six months to live because of several brain tumors.  He was a very cheerful and happy child and appeared that way as a adult too.  Randy had several goals in life some he got, some he had to settle on, and others he quiet didn't fully get to achieve.  This however did not slow him down or keep him from being the best person he could possibly be in life.  Randy gave a hundred and twenty percent on his life and jobs and this was very useful for him in getting him where he needed to be in life.

As teachers we have the power to influence our children in subtle and various ways from teaching them the fundamentals, to playing well with others, to not letting our set backs or brick walls as Randy put it in life keep us from accomplishing what we need to do.  We will have the power to give our children the opportunities to enjoy life, set goals, and understand each others feelings and dreams.  This more than anything is what we will really be doing when we are teaching.  Working hard in the long run is the best goal that we can set for our selves in life for most things do not come to us overnight and they generally take time as Randy also stated.

Randy taught me to take the time with my students and get to know them and enjoy their company.  The best thing of all that the students will do is surprise us from time to time if we let them do what they love. Take chances with people and they will generally reward you with good things over time and you never lose faith in your abilities as both a teacher and a learner.  The best message I took away from this was the fact that we must be willing to help all of our children.  This will be the only way that they will learn is if we take the time to give them the personal attention that they need.  We must also turn to others for guidance and support when we need it.  The most important thing we must have also is attitude, for we can either be a Tigger or an Eore' for the glass will either be half empty or half full and all of that is our point of view on things.

We must learn to fully enjoy and support our students most creative ideas and goals, for we are the people that they rely on to teach and help them understand.  We must teach children to respect each other feelings, not to complain that things do not go their way, also to work very hard at what they do, and have fun each and every day of their lives.  I learned that these things can be done if we just put our whole heart and soul into our children and do what needs to be done for them.  This will be our legacy as teachers to leave a just and fulling child or children who can look back and see the wonderful life they have had thanks to a caring and thoughtful teacher.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Summary Comment for Teacher number 2 EDM310

In the first video There Is Nothing On The Internet That Is Not In Your Heart.  The Intrepid Teacher was concerned about what people have been saying about the internet.  He said that most people think the internet was bad and that not much good came from it.  The Intrepid Teacher then pointed out the good facts.  These are that the internet allows him and others to communicate with people all over the world, make friends, and have people who listen to and understand what he says.  He also stated that the internet is what we put into it and some people will chose to put hateful and harmful things on the internet because that is who they are and that there is always good in things along with the bad things in life and on the internet.  His Second blog School Should Not Be Considered Work  covers the blog of a student who wants to better herself in school, but she is writing as though she is lost and not fully thinking her ideas through.  He tries to tell her/us that school is what we make it and that it is up to us to get the most out of our everyday school lives.  He goes on to tell us that schools are there to show us how to acquire our knowledge and information and not just make us learn what they want us to know.  The one thing I like was the fact that most people love to learn for the sake of learning and that is very much true.  When we can learn over our whole life doors are always opened for us then and only then can we make learning a life long enjoyable dream.

I totally agreed with Intrepid Teachers point of view on the first blog and what he said was the truth.  It is easier for us to say there is too much violence, drugs, and sex and overlook the fact that it takes the more enlighten person to see the good that the internet has brought us in our lives today.  The internet is a tool that we as humans can use to better ourselves and our children not only now, but for years to come.  The things I love about the internet are the friendships, closeness, and wealth of information that come from this companion.  The second video also hit home with me and made me think of my own school age days in high school. Looking back I remember that we all learn differently and some will learn faster than others, but that doesn't mean we are dumb or stupid.  We should all apply ourselves to a life of learning, but sadly most people do not do this and are left out of the loop as they say.  Also the most important thing we tend to forget is that teachers spend all their time trying to be nice, helpful, and respectful to students, for this is why we are there for our students in my opionin and to help them learn will only enable them to accomplish great thing in life and help them to be even better learners.  Also students learn by doing and we should let the students learn and figure out how they want to learn.  To do this will only let our children accomplish greater things in life.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Post Number 6

Video 1
The Schools of Tomorrow and the Technology Literate Teacher was a very interesting video for me to watch.  The facts are that the future I've seen on this video will be here very soon and we must be ready for it.  This would be a very interesting way to learn.  However this will take a great deal of time, money, and cooperation from parents and schools if this is to succeed.  I wonder though if it will succeed, for its sake I hope so.  If this does take off and do well the learning values from this would be astronomical in helping our students learn out of the classroom.
The one thing that worries me about this is that most people still do not have computers or the internet, so how can they get this new incite.  This would also allow students to be at home during the day and most parents cannot be there to watch them.  The only way for this to really take off would be for students to do their work at the library or computer labs in the school they go to.  Also opinions are not the facts and we have got tread very carefully when it comes to getting the right information or we will get just a bunch of white noise.  Now the points I love are the huge sources of information that one would have at their disposal.  This includes Google, friends on twitter, and sites like Blogger dot com.  The student can do all this from the comfort of his/her own environment and do it right.
The teacher still is the chain that holds our links together.  With out teachers the students would not know what they were doing and why.  This learning ability also I think would give the teachers a more one on one opportunity with the children than would otherwise have been done in the regular class room environment.  Even with technology going the way it is going we will still need to rely on teachers for their inputs and skills when it comes to helping our children get the most out of this new information and who knows maybe our children will teach us a thing or two.
Video 2
This seventh graders PLN was amazing and well thought out.  The way she keeps her school work and her social blogs separate is very ingenious.  This seventh grader is very smart for taking her time in doing her work and accepting responsibility for her work.  Most adults I've seen still cannot take responsibility for their work.  I see she uses Delicious, You Tube, Pocket Tanks Essay, and Google.  She also keeps her work organized by what she is doing and this helps her find her information very quickly when she needs it.  My PLN is setup pretty much the same way except that I rely heavily on Google, Google Squared, and You Tube for my videos on history.  I also can rely on blogging sites for some information on what I need, but blogging is mainly opinions and not facts.  The note taking ability of Ever note is very cool and like the seventh grader said this allows me to take notes on what I have seen on the web and want to keep.  I hope in the future most people will come to embrace this wonderful technology and rely on the good information that can come from it.
Video Number 3
 This was a very interesting video for me to watch by Dr. Wesch.  The points that he covers were very entertaining and serious at the same time.  For example he stated that today's college students are not very social and active participants in the classrooms.  The most interesting fact for me was that most people feel like the one in a million in a society that really doesn't want to know us, for who we are.  Society builds up big dreams for just about all of us and then we cannot even achieve those dreams, no wonder people feel so left out and separated from others.
 I can personally relate to how most people must feel about being separated in today world, for my family isn't one for staying in touch. Or even saying how are you doing?  Living is just one part of life that I have pushed and pushed to succeed in.  I have had no help from the world outside, so I use the mind I have and do what must be done to better myself.  Most people like to withdraw into the world of a camera and tell their problems to an army of people who are not even in front of them.  That is the sad part that most people feel more comfortable talking to strangers about their feelings than to their friends or relatives.  The college experiences for me are also that way, for most people in college are standoffish and do not talk too much, they just talk and text on cell phones.  I think it is messed up when people cannot even rely on one another for help and support.  Instead we rely on what TV tells us and what kind of face we will put on today for other people to see what we want them to see. Most college time and work now runs around the uses of the computer and sites like You Tube and Google Now when I start teaching I will tap into the creative and understanding parts of my children in the classroom. Most of these children need support and a caring and understanding person and they can succeed in school and possibly life.  We must get our children to love one another for who they are and not what society tells us to love about others.  We must help and nurture each other for all we have in the end is each other.  Like the two gentlemen at the end of the video we must stand out and be different and get back in touch with our humanity and stop being trapped inside of ourselves.
We owe not only our children at school this, but our own children at home.  We as teachers can do some good in getting our children to talk to us instead of a video camera.  We have the responsibility to treat every child as if they were a million dollars instead of one in a million.  Only after this will people begin to change for the better.