Sunday, October 10, 2010

Status Report on My PLN EDM310

My PLN is coming together slowly but surely.  I have come to rely on Google, Google Squared for the nice vast amounts of information.  I have also recently gotten on to twitter and have began to explore the vast amounts of people and places that I can tweet for information.  This is all new to me, so I am taking it easy and have already got several people that I have started to converse with.  I also use Ever Note for any note taking that I use on the internet.  You Tube is also a decent place for older video's of World War Two and videos of the educators that Dr. Strange has showed us.  Here are some of the other places I also am Tweeting on Ted Talks, Neil Tyson, and Smart Teachers.  I hope that as my schooling gets more detailed in the years to come I will get more and more intuned with this new technology.  I thank Dr. Strange for these wonder ideas that he gives us students and the support he gives us.

Thanks Phillip

1 comment:

  1. Great start Philip! Remember the PLN is not just internet or websites, but also people, places, organizations, or any other intities that are a part of your learning. SS

    Note: Your blog title should be, "Philip Cooper's EDM 310 Class Blog"
