Saturday, September 25, 2010

Phillips EDM310 Blog Assisnment # 5

For this assignment I watched three videos covering the making and actual broadcasting of pod casts.  They were the Eagle Nest Class blog, Lang Witches Blog, and the Benefits Of Pod Cast In The Classroom.  They covered kids in the Eagle Nest Blog talking about people and places in the ancient Roman Empire days.  To being able to make and understand the importance of the class blog as an important learning tool.  I thought these podcasts were well done and very informative especially the one that was done by the third graders.  It is very nice to see that there are teachers out there who do care about what and how our children are learning.  It makes me want to do the same thing when I get my own classroom one day down the road.

I will try and fit some of the interesting back and forth conversation into my podcasts that I will do in the future.  Also this is a trial run situation for me and to know what you might mess up on will only help you and strengthen your future pod cast later on.  I will also get my whole classes in on this amazing learning tool, which can only help your students.  I also like the fact that you generally can get up to ten minutes to do what you need to and that is very awesome.  The whole reason for us to even be in school to be a teacher is the fact that we want to help and introduce new ideas such as pod casting to our classes.  I cannot wait till I graduate from college, get my own class, so I can began using these wonderful teaching techniques.


  1. Hi Phillip! I am also glad to know that ther are teachers out there who do not just go through the motions, but actually care about what and how students learn. It is nice that you are passionate about doing that in your classroom as well and I plan to do the same. I like that you used the word trial run to describe how it is good to keeo in mind what you may not do well on in the future to better plan out how you will do things. This is definately a great tool to use in the classroom with your students. I also am so anxious to get into my own classroom.

  2. I agree with you they all did a great job, especially the third graders. I couldn't imagine doing anything like that at that age. Great post!

  3. Third graders still are curious and creative. School hasn't forced iy out of them yet. Glad you are going to use podcasts in your teaching.
