Friday, September 10, 2010

Additional assignment #1

The educational implications are awesome for students and teachers. This is a fountain of information at one place, and the other thing about Google squared is that you can add even more information to the search thereby increasing your information that you receive on the subject. This will come in handy for students who do reports or charts to compare different areas of the world. Teachers can use this to pull vast amounts of information to show the class at one time instead of one slide at a time, which saves a lot of time for the busy teachers. This is very interesting and I will definitely use this when I start teaching. Wolf Ram Alpha is also very good and brilliant, for it has even more amounts of information than does Google Squared. I wish I had this kind of information at my finger tips in high school, for if I had my grades would have been better. This is the tools that we as educators must learn to embrace if we are to succeed at helping our students learn. These tools offer so much help, so to turn our backs on these tools would be a injustice to our children. I can say that since Dr. Strange introduced me to Google Squared and Wolf Ram Alpha I will be teaching and relying on these tools for many years to come. To answer Dr. Stranges questions I did not know about neither of these wonderful programs before I did this assignment.

I have learned that information is fluid and just because someone says something that does not make it so. It always good to think on what we have seen and heard. Generally statistics are overlooked because people do not take the time to actually think on the information that is being presented, so the real numbers get lost. This taught me to be more cautious at what I am looking at when I see and hear statistics given to me at any given time. Numbers are not to be ignored, but studied very carefully, for we can miss a large amount of information if we do not see the whole picture. This has not changed my opinion on "Did You Know!", for information is always changing and it is up to us to keep on top of this new wave of information that we must ride every day of our lives.

Pitcairn islands

1 comment:

  1. It is so important to look at the whole picture. Like you said, "information is fluid". Its all in the presentation. SS
