Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Edm 310 blog numb. 3...

Video Number one.

This video does a real good job of capturing the college experiences for a lot of young adults who are in colleges around the nation right now. These young adults told the facts and stated what was important to them and what is really going on right now in colleges. College kids are worried from not sleeping enough, to talking on face book, to being in debt after school, and a multitude of other things. I feel with the students that think most of the things we learn in school do not apply to us in the outside world, for things in school are totally different than being in the real world were there is disease, war, hunger, and natural disasters.

College is a controlled environment were information and learning is done at a state level and lessons and test are given to see what we know according to the state requirements, for what we need to make it in the outside world. The reality is different and most jobs that we go to college for do not exist yet, or do not really use what is on our degree plan. Lots of people think of college as a way to get free money and do not try to get a better education, so they come out worse than the people who do try and make good grades. I wish this video could be shown on the national news, for this would turn some heads and open some eyes to what is really going on in our colleges today.

Blog number two..

It's not about technology

This was a very enlightened teacher and I agreed with what she said hands down. Most teachers in today's school systems look at this as a job and do not take the time to help our children, and as a result, some of our children do not succeed like they could have had the teacher only put just that little extra time into their work with them. Also we must find ways to keep our children coming back to school. It is up to us to keep challenging them with new and creative ways to learn. We must remember that we are their salvation and for some their only hope.

Also just because we graduate college and begin teaching we also are learning and must continue to learn all we can, for if we do not know our children will not know. The last thing I want to tell a child is that I do not know what he/she is talking about. Teachers generally have a great deal of technology to assist them with teaching their students, but very few teachers rely on their computers, the internet, or blogs to help out with class work and activities. This end result is a student or students that have been left behind and they will not contribute what they can to society, because they were not given the chance to achieve.

Blog numb. Three

Is it okay to be a technology illiterate teacher

In today's world of fast changing technology I wholly agree with what Mr. Fisch stated about the teachers needing at least some technological skills. What we do is and will impact the children who's lives we touch right now and to not train our teachers would be a catastrophe. Mr. Fisch said it right on the nose when he stated that, a teacher who does not want to learn is equivalent to a person thirty or forty years ago who could not read or write. In my opinion this is a very scary thought and I would not want a teacher who was not qualified to teach teaching my children about things that they themselves do not understand. This would make it hard for teachers to teach children things that they needed right now and in the future.

I also agree with the holding of technology literate administrators and teachers accountable for what and how a child is thought in school, and also teachers should not get so complacent that they do not want to further their knowledge and understanding of what is evolving right under their noses. Also computers have been around for over 30 years as Mr. Fisch stated, but we still act like it is a new technology, but we all know it is not a new technology, and also the internet has been around since the mid nineteen nineties. I believe it is about time that we get serious about educating our teachers, for without this stable foundation how can our children learn and grow into prosperous adults that can not only read and write, but know and understand computers.

blog numb. Four

I would had never imagined that this many applications for IPhone, new twitter accounts that were created, emails sent globally could increase this fast. I tend to think in my own little world and not about these numbers. It is hard to imagine that this goes on every minute of every day. We tend not to think on this and this is what we really need to be thinking on. If we would think about how our technology explodes exponentially we could prepare a lot more than what we do and with this I fault our states and schools for failing us. Without there support our teachers cannot get the training and education that they need to help our children keep up with these vast and fast increasing numbers.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to comment on "It's Not About the Technology" and for the compliments. Best of luck with your learning journey, through this semester and beyond!
    - Kelly Hines

  2. Relevance is a critical player when attempting to engage students in learning. This is why EDM 310 has moved to this new format. As you are no doubt seeing, everything in this class is hands on and requires students to take the lead in their own learning. This makes the learning more meaningful and ultimately more relevant.

    A couple of notes about your blog:

    1. Your title should look like this, "Phillip Cooper's EDM 310 Class Blog".

    2. Be sure you proof read before posting.

    Otherwise, keep up the good work. SS

  3. First of all I really like the points you make in your post and the fact that you pull from past assignments when discussing current topics. I totally agree with you in that if students put forth the effort while in college they would see the benefits through better paying jobs in the end. Your comments in post 2 are absolutely correct in my opinion as well. Teachers must be constant learners and masters of the resources available to them which you also discuss again in the third post. I also cannot believe the stats given in the final link. It really is unimaginable what is going on in the world.

    Also just a reminder, as Stephen commented make sure you proof read before you post.
