Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Post Number 6

Video 1
The Schools of Tomorrow and the Technology Literate Teacher was a very interesting video for me to watch.  The facts are that the future I've seen on this video will be here very soon and we must be ready for it.  This would be a very interesting way to learn.  However this will take a great deal of time, money, and cooperation from parents and schools if this is to succeed.  I wonder though if it will succeed, for its sake I hope so.  If this does take off and do well the learning values from this would be astronomical in helping our students learn out of the classroom.
The one thing that worries me about this is that most people still do not have computers or the internet, so how can they get this new incite.  This would also allow students to be at home during the day and most parents cannot be there to watch them.  The only way for this to really take off would be for students to do their work at the library or computer labs in the school they go to.  Also opinions are not the facts and we have got tread very carefully when it comes to getting the right information or we will get just a bunch of white noise.  Now the points I love are the huge sources of information that one would have at their disposal.  This includes Google, friends on twitter, and sites like Blogger dot com.  The student can do all this from the comfort of his/her own environment and do it right.
The teacher still is the chain that holds our links together.  With out teachers the students would not know what they were doing and why.  This learning ability also I think would give the teachers a more one on one opportunity with the children than would otherwise have been done in the regular class room environment.  Even with technology going the way it is going we will still need to rely on teachers for their inputs and skills when it comes to helping our children get the most out of this new information and who knows maybe our children will teach us a thing or two.
Video 2
This seventh graders PLN was amazing and well thought out.  The way she keeps her school work and her social blogs separate is very ingenious.  This seventh grader is very smart for taking her time in doing her work and accepting responsibility for her work.  Most adults I've seen still cannot take responsibility for their work.  I see she uses Delicious, You Tube, Pocket Tanks Essay, and Google.  She also keeps her work organized by what she is doing and this helps her find her information very quickly when she needs it.  My PLN is setup pretty much the same way except that I rely heavily on Google, Google Squared, and You Tube for my videos on history.  I also can rely on blogging sites for some information on what I need, but blogging is mainly opinions and not facts.  The note taking ability of Ever note is very cool and like the seventh grader said this allows me to take notes on what I have seen on the web and want to keep.  I hope in the future most people will come to embrace this wonderful technology and rely on the good information that can come from it.
Video Number 3
 This was a very interesting video for me to watch by Dr. Wesch.  The points that he covers were very entertaining and serious at the same time.  For example he stated that today's college students are not very social and active participants in the classrooms.  The most interesting fact for me was that most people feel like the one in a million in a society that really doesn't want to know us, for who we are.  Society builds up big dreams for just about all of us and then we cannot even achieve those dreams, no wonder people feel so left out and separated from others.
 I can personally relate to how most people must feel about being separated in today world, for my family isn't one for staying in touch. Or even saying how are you doing?  Living is just one part of life that I have pushed and pushed to succeed in.  I have had no help from the world outside, so I use the mind I have and do what must be done to better myself.  Most people like to withdraw into the world of a camera and tell their problems to an army of people who are not even in front of them.  That is the sad part that most people feel more comfortable talking to strangers about their feelings than to their friends or relatives.  The college experiences for me are also that way, for most people in college are standoffish and do not talk too much, they just talk and text on cell phones.  I think it is messed up when people cannot even rely on one another for help and support.  Instead we rely on what TV tells us and what kind of face we will put on today for other people to see what we want them to see. Most college time and work now runs around the uses of the computer and sites like You Tube and Google Now when I start teaching I will tap into the creative and understanding parts of my children in the classroom. Most of these children need support and a caring and understanding person and they can succeed in school and possibly life.  We must get our children to love one another for who they are and not what society tells us to love about others.  We must help and nurture each other for all we have in the end is each other.  Like the two gentlemen at the end of the video we must stand out and be different and get back in touch with our humanity and stop being trapped inside of ourselves.
We owe not only our children at school this, but our own children at home.  We as teachers can do some good in getting our children to talk to us instead of a video camera.  We have the responsibility to treat every child as if they were a million dollars instead of one in a million.  Only after this will people begin to change for the better.


  1. Hi Phillip it is Paris,
    I am going to tell you things about Australia.
    1. Australia has 8 states and they are called Western Australia (WA), Northern Territory (NT), Queensland (QLD), New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC), Tasmania (TAS), Australia Capital Territory (ACT) and Southern Australia (SA).
    2. The Capital of Australia is Canberra and it in the ACT.
    3. The Native People of Australia are called Aboriginals.
    4. Captian Cook discovered Australia in 1770.
    5. The main Sports are Cricket, Rugby League and Hockey.
    6. Australia Day in on the 26 of January.
    7. Australia it the biggest Island in the world.
    8. The Native animals of Australia are Kangaroos, Wallabies, Wombats, Emus, Ring Tailed Possum, Dingos and platapus.
    9. The Native plants are Gum tree, Eucalyptus Tree, Kangaroo Paw and bottlebrush.
    10. Our Priminister is Miss Julia Gillard.
    Ok . Phillip that is 10 facts about Australia.

  2. What a delightful comment from one of the students in Australia! You should be pleased.

    You write"...most people still do not have computers or the internet." Check these figures from a Jjanuary 2010 report (survey in 2009) by the Kaiser Family Foundation called Generation M2 (thats M squared):
    Ownership by 8-18 year olds
    MP3 player/iPod 76%
    Cell phone 66%
    Laptop 29%

    Internet Access 8-18 year olds:
    At Home 84%
    High Speed Wireless at home 59%
    In 8-18 year old kid's bedroom 33%
    pp 3 and 4 of the report.

    Want to think again about what you wrote?

    There should be people, a lot of them, in your PLN. At least I hope so.

    I will have a post about The Machine Is Changing Us on the class blog soon.
